In all seasons we have our favorite things to do and the ones we have to do.
Today, we had a spring cleaning at home.
After the family breakfast, we headed towards the studio/guest room to open the closet and get rid of the things we don't wear anymore, throw away papers that are not needed and make the soul become lighter from the things that don't belong to our lives anymore.
While it was only one small closet, it took some time.
I realized paper is a waste in every way: we kill trees, that make paper that we accumulate, and one day, all of a sudden, it is just not important anymore. Then we spend hours looking at those papers, one by one, to make sure we are not throwing away our privacy in the trash. And God knows where they will end...
Done with the room, we vacuum cleaned, stored the photo stuff properly, and it is empty and ready to become a guest room.
So the green lamp of the picture means many things:
green is the color all magazines and stores show up when spring is coming. A time for "we are all ready for warm weather and sunshine", b"ring the colors back", "the trees and flowers start to bloom", "time to renovate", and for us, "the most special time: time for guests".
In April I will turn 40, a new decade for changes, a wonderful time, for me, and my parents come to visit soon.
Green lamp is to say, YES, come visit!
And when the room is ready, I can post the before and after.
I guess springs brings the best of the colors.
The color of hope.
ISO 3200
Shutter speed: 1/80
Aperture: f/1.6